How to Optimize Your E-commerce Site for Voice Search

January 20, 2023

Voice search has become one of the most important elements of an eCommerce web design site. As businesses seek to tap into the increasing number of voice-enabled devices, optimizing your e-commerce site for voice search has become critical for success. Here is how to optimize your e-commerce site for voice search.

  1. Focus on Local Search: According to a Bright Local study from 2016, 46% of voice search requests are related to location. Make sure to include your address, store hours, or other location-dependent information on your website. If you have physical stores, make sure to list them accurately.

  2. Use SEO-Friendly Structured Data: Structured data is used by search engines to interpret the structure of your data, optimize search results, and provide richer content. Provide detailed metadata in markup format to include key product information such as product name, price, stock levels, product reviews, etc. This allows consumers to quickly gather the information they need in their searches.

  3. Optimize Content for Long Tail Keywords: Voice search tends to use more conversational queries than traditional search, using longer strings of words. Prepare content to respond to these longer queries and make sure to use language people are actually using.

  4. Optimize for Mobile: Mobile searches account for 72 percent of voice search queries, so make sure your e-commerce site is optimized for mobile devices. Integrate your website with conversational platforms like Apple’s Siri, Google Now, Cortana, and Amazon Alexa, so your site can be reached easily.

  5. Utilize AI: AI (artificial intelligence) powered chatbots and programs make it easier for customers to navigate your website. Through natural language processing, chatbots can understand customer queries and provide helpful answers, recommendations, and personalized experiences. Baidu’s Allo system, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Apple’s Siri are a few examples.

If you’d like to take your e-commerce site to the next level and tap into the potential of voice search, optimizing it for the technology should be at the top of your list. Follow the five tips listed above to ensure your site is properly optimized for voice search and provide a better shopping experience for your customers.

Gil Perez

Gil Perez

Lives and works in Los Angeles building useful things.

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