How to use augmented reality to improve the shopping experience on your ecommerce website?

March 30, 2023

Augmented reality (AR) is an emerging technology that allows companies to blend digital features with the physical world. It has the potential to revolutionize the way customers experience shopping online. By using AR to enable customers to virtually try on products, compare items, and customize their purchases, retailers can improve the online shopping experience and drive more sales.

Here are some ways ecommerce businesses can use AR to create a better shopping experience:

  1. Product Try-Ons – One of the biggest fears of online shopping is not knowing whether an item is going to fit correctly. AR can change that. By integrating a product try-on feature into the ecommerce website, customers can get an accurate idea of how a product looks and fits on them by simply standing in front of a laptop or mobile device camera.

  2. The Visual Search – We’ve all had times when we’ve seen a product we liked in a store and looked for something similar online but couldn’t find anything similar. AR can solve this. With visual search, customers can take a photo of the product they like and the ecommerce website can recognize the item and provide similar options.

  3. Product Comparisons – AR can help customers make informed decisions by providing relevant and accurate product comparisons. This could include pictures of products side-by-side, or interactive images that allow customers to view multiple angles and zoom in to learn more about a product.

  4. Product Customization – AR can provide customers with the ability to customize their purchases to fit their needs. For example, they can use AR to see how furniture looks in their homes, try out different paint colors on the walls, or virtually match jewelry with different outfits. This can let customers make a much more informed purchase decision, as well as make them feel like the item was made just for them.

These are just a few ways ecommerce companies can use AR to improve their customers' experience and drive more sales. As technology advances, more innovative uses for AR in ecommerce will be created. It’s up to retailers to stay ahead of the curve and start exploring the possibilities that AR presents.

Gil Perez

Gil Perez

Lives and works in Los Angeles building useful things.

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