How to use voice search to improve your ecommerce website's search function?

February 21, 2023

The use of voice search is growing rapidly, and for ecommerce websites, this presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Voice search can revolutionize the customer experience if used correctly. It can save shoppers valuable time, make product discovery faster, and more efficient. It can also help increase sales, boost customer loyalty, and generate more qualified leads.

To make use of this technology, ecommerce websites must ensure that their search functions are optimized for voice recognition. This link goes into more technical detail, but in summary, some key steps you should take to ensure that your site is voice search-friendly include:

  1. Design search functionality with voice commands in mind – To ensure your search function is optimized for voice search, make sure that it’s designed specifically with voice commands in mind. For example, use language that customers are likely to use when speaking to their devices.

  2. Ensure product copy and descriptions are clear and concise – Product copy and descriptions should be concise and descriptive. The goal is to give customers the information they need quickly to make an informed decision.

  3. Make use of structured data – Structured data for voice search includes search terms, categories, product attributes, and image captions. This ensures that customers are directed to their desired results from the start.

  4. Utilize natural language processing (NLP) – An NLP algorithm allows you to better understand customer queries. This allows you to serve the most relevant results for voice search.

  5. Use relevant and frequent keywords – Utilizing relevant and frequent keywords will help search engines better understand what products and services you offer.

  6. Take advantage of bots and virtual assistants – Chatbots and virtual assistants are powerful tools to provide fast answers to customer questions. This helps prioritize customers and reduce the time they spend trying to find their desired results.

Using voice search on your ecommerce website will have a positive impact on your customers, as well as your bottom line. It will provide a more intuitive customer experience and provide customers with the information they need to easily find the products and services they need. Implementing the steps outlined above will help ensure your website is optimized for voice search.

Gil Perez

Gil Perez

Lives and works in Los Angeles building useful things.

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