Shopify Alternative: An Assessment of Other Ecommerce Platforms

June 14, 2023

For business owners looking to create their own online stores, Shopify has become the standard for eCommerce platforms. However, there are other eCommerce platforms out there that may offer similar or even superior benefits that Shopify lacks. This article will outline the primary Shopify alternative platforms, along with an assessment of their respective features and pricing.

The primary Shopify alternative platforms are BigCommerce, Volusion, Squarespace, WooCommerce, and Magento. Each platform offers something slightly different, so it's important to assess each platform closely before making a commitment.

BigCommerce is known for its ease of use, with the platform providing users with a streamlined approach to designing their online stores. It offers a number of powerful features and tools for customization, including themes, extensions, and more. BigCommerce provides powerful marketing features such as discounts, coupons, and email marketing campaigns. While BigCommerce is known to be more expensive than Shopify, it also provides a wide range of features that Shopify doesn't offer.

Volusion is another great Shopify alternative, offering a similar set of features and functionality. It allows users to easily design their own web stores, by providing users with a number of customizations and features. Volusion also provides powerful marketing tools such as product recommendations, upsells, and more.

Squarespace is an all-encompassing eCommerce platform that provides users with a wide range of themes and customization options. Squarespace also offers powerful marketing tools, including coupons, discounts, and SEO optimization. The main downside to Squarespace is that it may not be the most user-friendly platform when compared to Shopify.

WooCommerce is a popular Shopify alternative that works as a plugin for WordPress websites. It provides users with a wide range of features and tools, along with powerful SEO optimization capabilities. WooCommerce is less expensive than Shopify and is easy to get set up quickly.

Finally, Magento is one of the most popular Shopify alternative platforms. It offers everything that Shopify does, while also offering users powerful customization tools and features. The main downside to Magento is that it can be more difficult to set up compared to other platforms.

When choosing between the various Shopify alternatives, it is important to consider the features and pricing. BigCommerce and Volusion offer great features at a relatively high cost, while Squarespace, WooCommerce, and Magento are more affordable. Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the right platform depends on the specific needs of the business owner.

Gil Perez

Gil Perez

Lives and works in Los Angeles building useful things.

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