Tips for creating an effective ecommerce website footer?

January 24, 2023

The ecommerce website footer is one of the most overlooked elements of a website--but it shouldn’t be. Your footer holds a wealth of information and resources for both new and returning visitors. To make the most of it, here are 5 tips for creating an effective website footer.

  1. Make sure to include your contact information. After all, what’s the point of having an ecommerce website if customers can’t contact you? Make sure to include your address, email, phone number, and any other forms of communication you use.

  2. Anticipate customer needs. Your website footer is a great place to include information that customers may need, like shipping and returns policies, store locations, FAQs, or customer service contact information.

  3. Build trust with social media links. URLs to your social media profiles are essential for any ecommerce website. Not only are they great places to drive traffic to your website, they also show customers that you’re legitimate and can be trusted.

  4. Include a newsletter signup. Make sure to include an email signup form so customers can keep up with the latest products, sales, and promotions from your store.

  5. Use language customers understand. Avoid industry jargon and make sure to explain everything clearly in plain English so your customers can understand easily.

Your website footer is an important part of your ecommerce website, so make sure to take the time to create an effective one. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to create a footer that’s both informative and effective for your customers.

Gil Perez

Gil Perez

Lives and works in Los Angeles building useful things.

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